How to Use TikTok Traffic for Your Affiliate Program Work

If there is any one social media disruptor right now, it has to be TikTok. It’s been at the center of controversy after controversy. But anyone who is anyone is on it. As well as one billion lesser-knowns. So, if you’re looking for a new audience for your affiliate program work, then TikTok presents a fairly appealing bet. But how can you make TikTok work for you?

How to Use TikTok to Generate Affiliate Program Revenue

For the unfamiliar, TikTok is a social media video sharing platform. More or less a Facebook-YouTube hybrid. Its users expect accessible video content. And pretty much any subject area is welcome, from cookery tips to pranks, to videos about how to cheat on your boyfriend in front of his mom. The difference for you, as someone working with an affiliate program, is that you’ll be creating content with the goal of getting your pay per sale links clicked, rather than simply aiming to get your videos seen.

So, how can you use TikTok to enhance your dating traffic?

Strategies for using TikTok to grow your affiliate program income

1. Organic traffic

If you create good video content, people will find you on TikTok. But if you can’t add links to your videos, how can you use organic traffic to effectively promote your dating offers? There are a couple of different ways:

  • Upgrade to a business account and add an URL into your profile.  This could be a direct link to your affiliate program’s site. But best results are usually generated if you send viewers back to your own blog, if you have one.
  • You can also link to your other social media profiles. As you’ll know, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have no problem with you posting promotional links. So, if you can get TikTokers to follow you across, they’ll find all of your affiliate program content. To do this, just click on the ‘Me’ icon on the bottom of your TikTok app screen, ‘edit profile’ and you’ll see where you can add in your social links.
  • Try adding an URL to your description. This isn’t always that effective as the lack of live links means that users will have to copy and paste your URL. But it is worth experimenting with. It works for some people.

2. Advertise with TikTok

Paid for advertising is one of the aspects of working with affiliate networks that people worry about. And to make TikTok paid ads work, you need to have a serious budget. The least you’re going to pay is around $600. With a ‘Hashtag Challenge’ campaign, you could see your investment soar to $150,000. It’s not small change! But if you do want to really go for it, the returns can be high. And there are numerous advertising options open to you.

Should I be using TikTok for my online dating affiliate marketing?

When you’re working with affiliate programs, your method of getting your links seen is your choice. There are no right or wrong solutions. And TikTok is a platform that won’t be for everyone.

On the plus side:

  • It’s massively popular
  • Content creation is easy
  • TikTok is great way to reach a new and wider audience with little effort
  • And you can use TikTok as a sort of funnel to enhance your other social media channels – which can also build your brand and gain brand trust

On the negative side:

  • You can’t add affiliate links to video content, making it harder to benefit from the additional traffic
  • And paid ads won’t really be an option for most users

So, the short answer here is that TikTok can be a great tool for anyone working with affiliate programs. BUT you will need to use it as part of a wider marketing strategy. It won’t be enough alone.

When you first begin working with an online dating affiliate, finding the right strategy can be hard. In most cases, you won’t know if something is going to work for you until you try it. The same will apply to TikTok. So, if you’re looking for new ways to reach your audience, why not give it a whirl?