How Creating Podcasts Could Help Enhance Your Affiliate Program Success

When you think of a podcast, ‘advertising opportunity’ isn’t necessarily the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, for most of us, it’ll be celebrity audio-blogs, interviews and instructional guides, like How Stuff Works that we think of. But the thing that most people don’t realise is that anyone can create a podcast. The wonderful thing about today’s technology is that it opens up so many means to communicate with a potential audience. And they can all be used for marketing for your affiliate program.
In essence, a podcast is just a YouTube post without pictures. And that makes it the same as every other social media interface. So, if you’re already using Facebook or Instagram to spread the word about your dating offers, podcasts are just the next step.
Why are Podcasts so Useful for Affiliate Program Promotions?
So, what’s the deal with podcasts? There are no through-links to click, no pay per sale opportunities to track, so how can it possibly work? How can a podcast increase your income, or even your dating traffic? The long and short of it is that podcasts provide another interface for you to interact with your potential customers. And they have many strengths:
- Podcasts are just about the easiest form of marketing for an audience to consume. They can be listened to at any time – while people are driving, at the gym, or doing housework.
- The fact that podcasts don’t take people away from other tasks also means that you have the chance to be creative. You don’t need to go for short, sharp messages; you can tell stories. This allows your audience to get to know you. And this in turn builds trust.
- The format of podcasts also means that you have the potential to attract a different kind of audience. For some people, social media is anathema, but they will gladly seek entertainment to listen to.
- Finally, but importantly, podcasts can be really quick and easy to set up. And they don’t need to cost a fortune. Get a microphone and some editing software, and you’re away.
Things to Remember to Include in your Online Dating Affiliate Podcast
So, that’s why you should consider creating podcasts to promote the links of your affiliate program. But what do you need to include to make the venture a success?
1. Your sales funnel landing page.
So, the big question is: how do you share a landing page verbally? Exactly as it sounds. When you’re talking about the relevant topic, just work the link in. For example:
‘So, that was my first online dating experience. She turned out not to be “the one”, but it was all good fun. If you’re interested in giving it a whirl yourself, you can find all the details of the agency I worked with at www…’
2. Your affiliate links
Likewise, make sure that every time you talk about a brand, product or service that you’re promoting, you highlight your affiliate link. Use the same style
3. A call to action
The whole point of the podcast is to get people to follow your links, so clearly state what it is that you want your listeners to do at least once in your ‘cast. Don’t overwhelm with multiple CTAs, as people will just stop listening. But, working a CTA into your intro and/or outro ensures that your message is heard. Be clear and be concise.
‘To start your online dating journey, go to www… and click on the link.’
‘If you’ve enjoyed listening to this post, join my mailing list at www…’
If you’re already a podcaster, affiliate marketing can be a great way to monetize your work. But the principle goes both ways. And if you’re working with an affiliate program, podcasting can easily breathe new life into failing campaigns. It can help you find new audiences and tell new stories. And most importantly of all, it gives you a chance to make more money. Who doesn’t want to do that?