How to Choose the Right Traffic Source for Your Dating Offers

Look around at any advice aimed those working with affiliate programs, and you’ll find the phrase, ‘choose a traffic source’. It’s said blithely, as if it’s a simple decision, and you’ll know just what to do. But when you’re starting out, finding a traffic source for your dating offers isn’t just daunting. It can be downright difficult. It requires time. Research. And often money. Even knowing where to start can be a challenge. But don’t worry – we’re here to help!
Tips for Finding the Right Traffic Source for Your Dating Offers
What is a traffic source?
So, let’s start at the beginning. The term ‘traffic source’ simply refers to the place through which people find your site. Every web visitor comes from somewhere. That’s your traffic source.
What are the different types of traffic source?
There are two main types of traffic source.
- Free – Search engine results (which is why you need to pay attention to your SEO), blogs, forums, and social media.
- Paid – Sponsored posts, paid ads – whether side bars or on social media – or through ad placement agencies. For paid ads you’ll have to decide on a model that best suits your budget and stratagem.
The different models include: cost per click (CPC), cost per view (CPV), cost per action (CPA), and revenue share (Revshare). Only you can decide on the best model for promoting your dating offers. But generally, it’s a good idea to select the avenue with the most targeting options. And with a strong degree of credibility.
What are the different ways to find traffic?
There are various ways of drawing traffic to your website:
Social media – There are two main benefits of running social media ads. 1) They provide really great targeting options. 2) It’s easy to manage your budget. The downside is that they’re expensive to run, and you have to be extremely careful not to breach the platform’s rules.
Native – Native advertising is basically the creation of ad content that can be mistaken for a genuine article. These can be costly to place, but they are one of the most effective ways of attracting dating traffic.
Mobile – If you use apps on your phone or tablet, you’ll be familiar with mobile ads. They’re easy to organise and relatively low cost. The only difficulty you may face is accurate targeting.
Pop-up – Pop-up ads have been around for years, and most of us will have experienced the annoyance of an ad popping open when we’re browsing online. They’re cheap to run and easy to manage. But they’re also really annoying and can be off-putting to browsers.
Search engine – The intricacies of search engine ads can be quite difficult to navigate for beginners. But it can be cost-effective, and dating offers present a lot of potential for this medium, so it is worth investigating.
How do you know which is the best traffic source for your affiliate partnership program offers?
This is the trickiest bit to understand. For most people, it will take trial and error to get right. If you’re just starting out with a dating affiliate network, then it can be a good idea to focus on free traffic sources first, before venturing into the paid options. Largely because this will help you to gain a better understanding of your audience. And knowing your audience is integral if you wish to accurately target your dating offers.
Once you know as much as you can about your audience, and have used an analytics program to ascertain where they come from, you’ll have a clearer idea of where to put your money. Looking at what your competitors are doing can also help. If other people are advertising similar products on social media and apparently garnering interest, it can be a good idea to emulate. And once you start on one path, try to pursue it for at least a few months, experimenting with split testing to ensure that it’s not your content at fault rather than your traffic source.
There are no simple quick-fix solutions when it comes to finding a traffic source for promoting dating offers. No one option will suit everyone. But understanding the process – and your options – is the best way to avoid wasted time, effort, and money.