How to Find Dating Traffic Without Paying for Ads

If you’re working with an online dating affiliate, attracting dating traffic is your number one priority. But you always have to be mindful of cost. You can pay for all the leads in the world, but its pointless if you don’t make a decent profit in the end. So, while some paid ads can be beneficial, particularly when you’re first starting out, it’s always good to optimize other avenues first.

Top Tips for Finding Free Dating Traffic

Improve your SEO

The first step towards building organic traffic is always to improve your SEO. So, review and research your keywords. Use meta descriptions. Keep your content fresh and relevant. Use backlinks appropriately. Look at your site speed. In short, do everything you can to deliver the best possible SEO. Both on screen and technical.

Research your target audience

You can only create content that will appeal to your target audience if you really know who they are. So, find out everything about them. Who they are. What they like. What interests them. Where they are. What annoys them or turns them off. And, really importantly, what they want from you and your content.

Use social media

Now, it would be a rare affiliate program member who doesn’t already use social media. But not everyone uses it properly. You need to start by finding the right platform for your demographic. Then going back to your target audience research and producing content that will appeal to them. Post at the right times and on the right days for optimal viewing. Create content that they can and want to share. And focus on delivering value.

Consider user generated content

You know that you need to keep your content fresh. Integrating user generated content can be a quick and easy way to do that. And as an additional bonus, it builds user engagement and creates a sense of authenticity. Both of which you need if you’re going to generate referrals for the dating affiliate sites you’re working for.  

Use lead magnets

If you’re working with pay per lead dating affiliate programs, lead magnets – the use of offers, giveaways, freebies to attract customers – can be invaluable. They not only attract your target audience to click your links, they encourage viewers to share them. This means that every piece of content carries at least twice the potential.

Split test everything

The best way to ensure that what you are doing is working is to test it. So, that means your content, your social media, your graphics, your keywords – everything that impacts how your work is seen and who it is seen by. Split testing (also known as A/B testing) is the simplest approach.

Collaborate with other influencers

Working with influencers can be a really expensive process. Sometimes, it pays off. Sometimes, it doesn’t. But it’s possible to work with influencers without the expense by finding someone who would benefit from collaboration. If your content and audience are a good fit, a well-chosen collaboration may be mutually beneficial.

When you’re trying to attract dating traffic, adds are the obvious option. But even really smart paid ads can fail if you don’t first get the basics in order. You have to do the groundwork. You have to understand your target and work out how to appeal to it. Once you’ve done that, the rest should fall into place.