Affiliate2Day Blog

How to Use Native Ads to Promote Your Dating Affiliate Network Offers
How to Use Native Ads to Promote Your Dating Affiliate Network Offers

November 26, 2018

When you start thinking about ways to find dating traffic for your online affiliate program, the obvious avenues are to create killer content for your website and to look into social media. You might think about using Instagram to reach new markets. Once you’re established, you might consider email marketing. But what a surprising number

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How to Use Social Proof to Enhance Your Dating Traffic
How to Use Social Proof to Enhance Your Dating Traffic

October 30, 2018

Social proof has been talked about a lot in recent years. The process, which basically relies upon people’s inclination to follow the crowd – all your colleagues got iPhones, so you wanted one too – has become broadly adopted throughout the eCommerce ecosystem. But, did you know that it can help with other things too,

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How to Keep Your Affiliate Program Marketing Campaign Alive
How to Keep Your Affiliate Program Marketing Campaign Alive

October 19, 2018

One of the problems that almost everyone faces when trying to make a sustainable income from working with an affiliate program is that their campaign runs out of steam. You start with an incredible idea. Things seem to be going really well. You have regular cash coming in. Then it all starts to peter out.

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How to Use Keywords to Grow Dating Traffic
How to Use Keywords to Grow Dating Traffic

October 2, 2018

Working with an online dating affiliate program can be a great way to either monetise an existing website, or begin a new business venture. But there’s one problem that everyone faces: SEO. Dating is a great niche to work in because so many people are looking to find love. But, that also means that there’s

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Using Trust to Grow Your Online Dating Affiliate Income
Using Trust to Grow Your Online Dating Affiliate Income

September 18, 2018

Joining an online dating affiliate program can be an incredible way to monetize your website. Affiliate partnership programs have huge potential to generate income through little more than a carefully placed advertisement. It seems like easy money – and it really can be – but many people never quite reach their full potential. Why? Because

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Back to Basics: Making Money Through Affiliate Networks 101
Back to Basics: Making Money Through Affiliate Networks 101

September 4, 2018

Sitting here, writing this blog, it’s sometimes hard to remember that a lot of people visiting these pages are coming to us as complete beginners. Talking about using Instagram to boost your affiliate earnings is all very well, but not if you’re still struggling with the basics. If that’s how you feel, then this post is

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How Keywords Can Enhance Your Affiliate Program Income
How Keywords Can Enhance Your Affiliate Program Income

August 24, 2018

Key words. Everyone talks about them. If there’s one thing that everyone knows about creating a website, it’s that you have to use keywords. They’re the things that help people find you. They’re the things Google, and other search engines, use to rank you so that the right people reach your website. And these things

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Using Instagram to Promote Your Affiliate Program Links
Using Instagram to Promote Your Affiliate Program Links

August 8, 2018

When you’re working with an internet marketing affiliate program, Facebook seems like the obvious place to begin your advertising campaign. But did you know that Instagram now has more than 700 million active monthly users? That’s a phenomenal potential audience for your affiliate program’s links. But how do you use Instagram for marketing? It’s simple, really.

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