Affiliate2Day Blog

How to use Expert Content for Dating Traffic
How to use Expert Content for Dating Traffic

May 29, 2023

If you’re working with an online dating affiliate, the chances are that you’ll already understand the importance of producing regular content. Whether it’s blog posts and videos or user generated content. The important thing is that your website stays fresh. And your SEO stays strong. But as the blogging industry has grown, it’s becoming increasingly

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Benefits of User Generated Content for Affiliate Program Members
Benefits of User Generated Content for Affiliate Program Members

May 10, 2023

User generated content (UGC) is fast becoming one of the most popular ways of both populating blogs and websites. And building customer engagement. If you’re working with an affiliate program, you can use it in a variety of ways. From building a social media following. To enhancing your email marketing strategy. But what exactly is

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What Are the Best Dating Traffic Sources in 2023?
What Are the Best Dating Traffic Sources in 2023?

April 6, 2023

Finding the right traffic source is one of the most important steps for members of online dating affiliate programs. Without the right amount of dating traffic, you can never hope to make your affiliate venture profitable. And if that’s the case, it’s not worth the effort. But traffic sources can be hard to quantify. And

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Is LinkedIn Good for Affiliate Program Work?
Is LinkedIn Good for Affiliate Program Work?

March 28, 2023

Social media advertising has become the bread and butter of affiliate program work. Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter are all go-to traffic sources. Some of them can even be a good place to directly post your pay per sale links. But when we think of social media and affiliate programs, there’s one platform most of

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Why Site Speed is Important when Working with Affiliate Programs
Why Site Speed is Important when Working with Affiliate Programs

March 14, 2023

When you work with affiliate programs, it can feel like you have a lot to focus on. Especially at the beginning. There’s the content to create. The SEO to get right. The ads to make. Not to mention all the analytics, audience research, and the simple matter of getting to know your products and promotions.

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Mistakes You Should Avoid When Working with an Affiliate Program
Mistakes You Should Avoid When Working with an Affiliate Program

February 28, 2023

Working with any affiliate program can be an easy revenue stream for anyone with a blog or website. It’s simple to do. It can almost become a passive income once you’ve put in the initial work. But it’s not without its potholes. There are lots of easily made mistakes. And they can all impact the

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The Top Tools for Affiliate Program Members to Use in 2023
The Top Tools for Affiliate Program Members to Use in 2023

February 15, 2023

Working with affiliate programs can be a great way to monetize a blog or website and earn cash from home. But there’s no denying that it can be hard work and time consuming. Especially if you don’t have the right tools. Finding the right key words, attracting the right kind of dating traffic, keeping track

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Social Selling Through Video Content for Affiliate Program Members
Social Selling Through Video Content for Affiliate Program Members

January 30, 2023

During the course of the last few years, video content has become one of the leading tools for affiliate program members. Having been shown to improve organic traffic from search results by up to 157%, and improve click-through rates by 65%, it features strongly in most affiliate’s strategy. And nowhere more prominently than on social

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