Tips for Reducing Bounce Rate for Affiliate Program Clicks

An audience that bounces away from your content is disastrous when you’re working with an affiliate program. It means no engagement. No pay per sale clicks. And no income for you. So, what can you do to turn visits into conversions, and stop your visitors from bouncing away?

How to Stop Visitors Bouncing Away from Your Blog’s Affiliate Program Content

Why are you getting a high bounce rate?

The term ‘bounce rate’ refers to the percentage of people who leave your site after less than 10 seconds. And it happens for a number of reasons. Some of which have absolutely nothing to do with you. Occasional visitors may bounce away because they didn’t mean to press your link. But if it happens regularly, the likelihood is that you’re doing something wrong. And the good news is that with a bit of work you can fix it. So, let’s look at the common problems.

Most common reasons for a high bounce rate

Poor formatting

If a webpage opens to deliver a wall of text, or a colour scheme that makes it hard to read, visitors are going to leave. With the right formatting, visitors will be drawn into viewing your content almost by osmosis! So, try a few of these formatting techniques:

  • Use short, well-spaced paragraphs.
  • Opt for a slightly larger font.
  • Use headings.
  • Break up text with lists (as we’ve done right here!)
  • Use images.
  • Select a neutral background with black text.
  • Begin with short sentences to pull people in.
  • And remove any unnecessary clutter from your pages.

Too many pop-ups

Pop-ups can be a useful way to draw your audience’s attention to something. And to encourage sign-ups. But more often than not, they are simply annoying. While you might be able to get away with a single pop-up, especially if it’s a special dating offer. But multiple pop-ups is a definite no.

A lack of engagement

It’s hard to engage someone’s attention in less than 10 seconds. But that’s the window you have to catch your audience. So, focus on your headline and your opening images. Think really hard about that opening sentence. Use different content types. Make the most of storytelling. Include videos. Consider using compelling statistics. Anything to catch the eye. There’s a lot of competition for dating traffic, so you have to work hard if you don’t want visitors to get away.

Be relevant

If you’re going to reduce visitor bounce, you need to ensure that you content is relevant. It needs to answer the needs of your intended audience. So, research the customer base of the business your affiliate program is supporting. Don’t just stop at finding out the approximate demographic. Find out everything you possibly can about them. Their likes, dislikes, where they live, how old they are, what they do. And, importantly, find out what they want from your affiliate program and from you.

Improve your page speed

Page speed matters. According to Google, the probability of bounce increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. So, the longer your pages take to load, the more likely you are to lose your visitors.

When you’re working with an affiliate program, being able to keep the attention of your visitors is key. So, if your bounce rate is in double figures, it’s the first thing you should be looking at to boost your affiliate income.